Can someone tell me which kit this is? ...Ok wait I have more than 1

Lol are you laughing at the little bug eyed baby?

She would make a great fair or elf.

I know it’s a long shot but, would you happen to still have Sweet and Sassy? Thanks so much :blush: Happy New Year :sparkler::tada::sparkler:

And has anyone figured out the second baby yet? If it were a boy it would look exactly like my nephew. I’d love to get the kit and make him for my sister-in-law!

I have been unsuccessful finding out which kit it is. I asked on REAL forum also and no one there knew either.

The 2nd baby is not a kit. She is an OOAK clay baby by Eva Helland. Her owner used to be on the doll-fan site, but I can’t remember who she is our even if she still owns her.


On doll fan is where I found the photo. The lady who had it posted has tons of really cute asian reborns, but I don’t recall her name either

Oh ok! Yes, I see the pic links out to Susan from so she may be the current owner of that particular Helland OOAK :wink: Shes very cute! So sad there wont be anymore Helland babies :cry:

I agree, it is very sad. I’ve been looking for her babies on ebay and have found a few of them. I even see the silicones there on occasion, I;d love to have one of those.