Cammi body

Okay. I am wondering if we put the half circle first then put the metal inside the kneck. What do you think?

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Yes! That is exactly what I was thinking I am going to do when I finish reborning her. Best of luck to you!
Let me know how it turns out for you.

Does this make sense? I may be wrong but this is how I think it is done.

Yes thatā€™s how itā€™s done, Iā€™ve done this on my rosy kit before

Yes but the metal isnā€™t much bigger than the hole. Will it pop out?

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Sorry I know Iā€™m asking alot of questions! See comment above!

I know Iā€™ve put the metal and the cardboard half sphere inside of the head before? That might be the better option? considering sheā€™s a bigger kit?

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Also itā€™s totally fine! With how many questions Iā€™ve seen on this type of kit I might create a tutorial when I put Rosie together of how to use these joints because thereā€™s so little info!

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Yeah, it gets confusing! Then we have to sew the rubber on! What do we use?

im honestly not sure but Iā€™d assume ribbons?

I feel this should have been pre drilled and sewed yikes!

Do you cut first then paint or paint and then cut the excess off?

Paint first so it doesnā€™t collapse in the oven?

Iā€™d paint first but tbh I donā€™t know much about this kit beyond the joints, theyā€™re the same as my Rosie. Thatā€™s the only reason I know about those.

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Also I would not put the cup thing inside the head. I think the shape is needed to protect the vinyl neck curve

Yeah in the youtube video she had 2.

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What size eyes are you going to use? I saw 22 or 24. I wonder if oval would fit better.?

I just got mine today and I have cut the excess off the chest plate.

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I am going to go with the 22mm round Lauscher eyes.

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