I have a friend who has ordered her dream baby from me. We have a name and is ordered. She has started a baby book for him. Now my question is… Has anyone sent out an expecting announcement? His new name is Zachary Judd. I wanted to send her an announcement of some kind to go in her baby book with an ultrasound type picture. My husband is in charge of that once I get him put together temporarily. Then I am going to send her a pic of his first bath. and updates thru out the process. Anytime there is a change I can show. Any ideas on how to word the you are expecting note? There are some creative writers/story tellers here.
I did that with a portrait baby, took pics every bit of the way and sent to the new mom. She Loved watching her baby come to life but It was really kind of difficult to stop and take pics at each step. that was alot of pictures and time to download and send. It took me longer to finish the doll up. But I Love the 3d ultrasound pics and they are so easy to do.
A beautiful work of art !!!and show the 3d ultra sound pic -inside you can say: this beautiful reborn baby boy will be coming home soon !
Something like that …
how do you do 3d ultrasound pics??
I would like to know too!
that was going to be my next question. I sent a notice in email : I am happy to inform you of the positive results of your test.
In a recent eBay listing, Evon Nather was asked about her ultrasound photos and she said the following:
- In previous listings, I have had many inquiries as to how I create the “3-D Ultrasound” images.
I use the Photobucket editor and create this effect in the following order…
(1) Invert (2) Old Photo (3) Bronze
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Carmen!
— Begin quote from “Debora Jenkins”
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Carmen!
— End quote
You are very welcome!
The second pic would probably be way more believable without the pacifier and hat LOL !!
That’s funny, Marcy. Debora, that was a cute way to do it.
!Wrap the baby in a dark solid blanket and leave out a foot a hand and the face , then Take your photo and do your thing to it -NO Clothes in utro !! LOL
— Begin quote from “OliviasMom”
Like this?
— End quote
Perfect! I was just going to also say that I would skip the clothes and blanket…
I’m loving that pregnancy test!
— Begin quote from “Cher_Simnitt”
!Wrap the baby in a dark solid blanket and leave out a foot a hand and the face , then Take your photo and do your thing to it -NO Clothes in utro !! LOL
— End quote
I was just playin with the instructions on existing pics. I am going to do a few of each new baby I make now !!
Very Cool ! Thanks girls!
I just may, I have my creative juices flowing I just need the sculpt Drew now Zachary Judd to get here. His mommy is anxiously waiting his arrival.
wow Debi has twins and Kathryn she totally loved it but she said she did not remember urinating on a stick.
Debora, that was too funny! Love it! Whatever happened to rabbits? Rhonda