Aria awake prototype

I was looking at the auction and none of the pictures show the face straight on. Did they have this kit at bb’s booth at ROSE? I’m wondering how she looks from straight on.

This is on BB


I didnt even see Aria Awake during ROSE, just Aria asleep and Brooklyn asleep

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It would probably help if I look on B.B first! :joy::joy::joy::joy: sorry you went through the trouble. Thanks. :slight_smile:

Oh ok! I didn’t even know they had the awake version made until I saw the prototype on eBay. I thought maybe they were showcased at the show.

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I didn’t know there was an Awake version. When you mentioned her, my nosey self just had to go look. Sure enough, it pulled her up when I went to the search bar. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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