Anyone see this? … 416388f13c

Yes, I’ve seen her – she’s amazing.

She is amazing… Took me 5 minutes to scan the multiple photos… wow…

Yes! Isn’t she sweet! I love her touseled look hair.

Karen, thanks for sharing. The talent this artist has is amazing. I love LOOKING at her work and it is no wonder why her dolls sell for 2K or more.

OMG - I saw this over at the RebornConnection and was so totally blown away I never saw the bidding!!! Her eyebrows are so very realistic and I love the complexion. Some of those poses you would swear is a real baby.


Takes a lot to leave me speechless, but boy, oh boy this baby is sooooo realistic ~ some of those poses I’d swear I was looking at a living, breathing baby! WOW

WOw!! I have never seen eyebrows like that they are amazing. she looks so realistic. this is a fabulous one!

Very amazing; what’s not to love? Just wish there wasn’t so much hair on a 24" infant :frowning:
I’m sure she’ll get her asking price.

Did you see what she sold for???


Just over $3600.00.

She is a beautiful little girl and sooooo realistic. That lady has a lot of TALENT!

i watch all her auctions, she is saved in my favorites. she always does an omg job on her babies.