Another nasty customer

So i had a customer get ansty about dolls arrival. It was 2 weeks, even though i said 2-4 weeks on listing. My mom was in hospital 85 yrs old with pneumonia, so i was with her most of the month. Told her she was shipping by end of week when i got back from being with my mom…nope not good enough. So i had family ship her…nope not good enough still. Opened a claim for this baby and she was on payment plan for another. Paypal found in my favor on both, but i told them just refund the deposit, want nothing more to do with this nasty customer who cant wait knowing im away at hospital with my mom.
So sick of this me me me mentality people have.
She said she blasted my name all over doll fan…like i care.


What the heck is wrong with people!!! It seems like there are so many demanding, unsympathetic, self centered people out there now a days. I’m so sorry for all that you have gone through with this customer…and your moms illness. Keeping your mom in my prayers. :pray: :heart:


That’s awful…so sorry that happened to you…she sounds like a real winner :+(

Jackie Jo…you are SO right about people these days!!!


P.S. I am a “lurker” on Doll Fan and haven’t seen anything about this AT ALL…maybe she’s all hot air besides being mean!!! HAHA


Wow!!! You have a nasty magnet!!! Remove it!!! You poor thing! Geeeeezzzzzzz !!! Oh! Can you link the ad that used your twins? I love the article and I can’t find it in my email!!! I love to brag about you!!!


Thanks ladies…ugh, i get so frustrated. But this one takes the cake. Basically said too bad about your family, but you stated two weeks wheres my doll. You need to fufill MY order. Wha wha wha…me me me.
I told her just what a selfish twit she was. Sorry my mom has pneumonia that for the second time almost killed her (she has dementia with lewy bodies). Such compassion. I really really am disgusted.


Wow…that’s crazy! I haven’t seen anything on doll fan (do you mean the forum or the group)? But you don’t deserve it!

I dont know, she just said on doll fan. Oh well. I dont care. Anyone that knows me knows im reputable. Yes, ive had a hard time of late due to my mom, but years and years of great reviews.


Some people just have no clue…sometimes we just have to rise above it…sorry these things happen to good people trying to do outstanding work…!! I said…no clue…:sparkling_heart:…((hugs))

Here you go, Nikki:


Thank you @AmyR777 love you!!!


Love you, too, Nikki! :kissing_heart:


I haven’t seen anything on Dollfan either, she’s probably just blowing hot air!!


I don’t think you have to worry about her…Your babies are lovely and speak for themselves…Still sorry you had to deal with this…there are some hateful people out there! :disappointed: