An Alternative to Berenguers

This will be old news for many of you.
But I just discovered Middleton baby dolls today.

You can find them online at
and also at which also has a physical location in Florida.

For those of you lucky enough to visit Judy’s Florida shop, she has an entire nursery experience available for your Middleton adoption enjoyment!
Walk in families wearing masks are allowed in one group at a time during the pandemic, and adoption experience appointments are given priority.
They’ve had the nursery set up for over 20 years. What fun!

I had heard of Reva Schick before, but didn’t know the history.

A search in the forum here shows lots of old posts on reborning Middleton dolls. :face_with_monocle:

I wanted to go to this shop while I was there, but it didn’t happen! My first “realistic” baby is a Lee Middleton/Reva Schick. She’s actually quite detailed, but they’re not even painted!

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Yeah, just factory done like a Berenguer. And certainly safety tested as a playtoy in the same way until they are reborned. Prices are pretty similar, too.

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You can find them on eBay all the time for really cheap.

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I hate her hair. It’s a synthetic wig. Her limbs are hard as rocks. She was about $100 I think, in 2004 I think it was. Expensive play toy! She has a highlighter mark on her body, because way back when, a child did it. I plan to eventually fix her up. I actually, a handful of years ago, contacted umm @lastingmemories about her fixing her up, but the numbers she quoted me, I wasn’t ready for lol.

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@Purplefetish She does excellent work. I’d want a higher quality kit done by her!

Yeah, I’ve peeked through her website many times.

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My love for reborns started with Middletons!


This was my step into it, although I didn’t learn about them for a long while after I got that baby.

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I had never even heard of them before!

I hadn’t heard of them till I was here on BB either and would love to have one of the larger dolls so I am going to go look. Thanks! @EmOh

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awww thank you ladies <3 I love doing the makeovers. But they are a lot more work than doing a blank kit lol

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