Aly Ralph Babies Hair Painting on Instagram

Ok, thanks!

First two videos of hair painting up now! :heartpulse:


Learned a lot from both. I love hearing you talk about your plan as you go.


Thank you! I didnā€™t realize how easy talking to myself would be :sweat_smile: I just said what I was thinking.


You sound like a pro :wink: and I really like that you include the mistakes and show how you clean them up and fix them :+1:t2: For us newbies thatā€™s a huge part of our learning curve


Thanks. I was a little worried I was mumbling but playing it back I feel like I could understand. I decided before I started that I wasnā€™t going to cut anything out. I want to keep it honest. I make a ton of clumsy mistakes, maybe even more than the rest of you. :sweat_smile:


Iā€™m trying to subscribe on a laptop & canā€™t do it. I click the pic where it says ā€œsubscribeā€ but nothing happens.

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Did you try it on her Story? It should open a pop up that gives you options.

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I managed to subscribe with my phone but where are the 2 videos?

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They should be under the tab with the crown. I will tag you so you can find all the videos. Can you tell me your Instagram name/handle?


We now have an hourā€™s worth of content and are going to keep adding to Mia later in the week! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I signed up

Love it! Wish I had Instagram, Iā€™d be following along!

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Wonderful! Let me know what you think!

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Super easy! My mom is on Instagram and doesnā€™t post photos- she just has an account to look at other peopleā€™s stuff :smile:

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I had an account but it was deleted. Iā€™ve tried everything. Apparently there are people with nothing better to do than report people for selling babies.


Oh :sob: I am definitely going to save my videos and maybe will organize a class somewhere else in the future!


Ok, good, Iā€™d love to watch you paint!

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How do I go watch the videos

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I will tag you!

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