Altering a cuddle body

I have a question. Has anyone ever altered a cuddle body to attach hands? What is the best way to do this? Thank you :pray:

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I haven’t but you can buy cuddle bodies with 3/4 arms if you don’t want the hassle of altering.


Before cutting, measure the circumference of the vinyl limbs & the opening of the body to make sure they’ll fit. The arm and leg openings need to be about 1 1/4" longer than the final length and about 1/2"-3/4" larger in diameter than the flanges. If you don’t want to buy a ready made 1/4 limb cuddle body, cut off the hands and feet, fold the ends in and sew them, leaving an opening for the zip tie. has some reasonably priced 1/4 limb bodies in different sizes and shipping is only $7.95.


Thank you. I decided to save the hands for my next preemie. I didn’t want to risk ruining this amazing Christal Stitch Studio body.


I realized it is too much work but Thank you for the advice!

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