Aisha Caucasian?

Has anyone made a white Aisha? If so pics please!

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Trust you to be different Nik!!! lolol


I have seen pics of her with Caucasian skin on here somewhere. She was definitely beautiful as a Caucasian


I found the screenshot I took


I didn’t realize she only came in aa vinyl!

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I believe she was in Caucasian vinyl at one time.


I think @kimomax is right. The vinyl on the biracial kit is pretty dark so it would take a lot to bring the color down.

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Well… I guess I’ll pass! I just love the light vinyl! :heart_eyes: and… We do enough work already!!! Lolol :grinning:

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Would be fun to see just how light it would go , you sure your not up to it? I’m not but I have more confidence in the other people on here .

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Lolololol maybe in the future! I am taking this month off to finish up the million other things I have going on!

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