Advice on gray spots

I purchased the chase brown kit from MacPhersons and when I got it in, I noticed some gray spots on the head. We’ve gone back and forth on what to do and they don’t see the spots I’m talking about. 1…do y’all see the spots? 2…do you think i will be able to paint over it and it be ok?

I do see it. Try contacting the sellers and asking for a replacement.

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Yes, I can see the spots. I would ask for a replacement.

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I think mottling and such will cover it easily. I hardly see anything in the pics


Ok good, I’m not going crazy! I would have to send it in, wait for a refund and then order another one.

I see them. Try a little Windsor and Newton on them. They’ll probably come off.


I can just barely see them in some pics, not at all in others. I wouldn’t even notice it if you hadn’t added the arrows! I agree that mottling and other layers will cover it.


I see them.

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I see them pretty clearly. If it doesn’t come off I would return it. These kits are too much money to just hope you can cover it.


Thanks ladies! I did try a little Windsor & Newton and unfortunately it didn’t work.

That’s kind of my thought too, it’s a lot of money and what if it doesn’t cover it up? Maybe that’s not a chance I should take.

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I agree that first quality kits shouldn’t have flaws, but these marks are so light that I wouldn’t personally worry about them. Once they are buried under multiple shades of mottle and washes, I doubt they would be noticable. The ones that irritate me are the dark black ones that can’t be removed or covered up at all except for painting it as a freckle or birth mark.


Look at the spots against light. They look to me as if they are deep in and I would be concerned that they will turn into the black spots, which can come out after baking and leave a hole. If you have a rooting lamp you should be able to see what exactly is inside.

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Thank you ladies! I appreciate your advice! I’m glad y’all see the spots!