What's the best replacement BB arms to use with Shyann?

I want to reborn one of my BB Shyann kits I have here pretty soon and totally hate what the right hand looks like. That is what has been holding me back from reborning her. So I am trying to figure out if BB has a better looking set of arms to replace them with.
What has anyone else used if you didn’t like them neither? I have a complete set of peach Avery limbs here. Anyone ever use these and if so how was the sizing compared to her head? What is the best looking match for her?

I love the Pratt limbs the best. I don’t know how they work with Shyann but they are the cutest limbs.

I am doing a Brook kit now, and although the head is not my favorite and absolutely challenging her arms and hands are amazing! Her fingers are delicate and long and the nails are so pretty. Can’t wait to get to that part! If they could work with Shyann then I reccommed them, for sheer prettiness.

Wow that’s a thought Gina. I do have a Molly here as well in peach. I will give that a try then. Thanks!

— Begin quote from “Karen in NE”

I’ve been using Sofie’s arms and legs with Shyann’s head; I like the combo.

— End quote

Yes, those are the Pratt limbs that I was talking about. I think they look very good with your Shyann.