What did Who do to Natali Blick Re: Zoey?

Just went to FB and this was posted by Natali in my newsfeed (with a photo of Zoey):

Dear friends,
I’m just in shock right now.
I was informed that there is a scandal on the Internet at the moment because of the name of my new kit. And they accuse me of such things that I am not sure that I am able to repeat them, it sounds so disgusting.
I am addressing these people in an open post;
How dare you accuse me of such things?
Are we personally acquainted? Have you heard or seen such statements coming from me? Why did you draw such conclusions and speak so confidently about them?
It’s just disgusting that I have to justify myself and prove my involvement in this dirt.
“Zoe” was modeled a year ago. The name is given from the series “how I met your mother”, the name without any hints or provocations…
And the letter Z stands for the first letter of the “Zoe” kit name. It doesn’t make any more sense.
The kit was being prepared for the presentation on March 1, but due to the events that happened right the day before, it was postponed.
If anyone does not know, my relatives live in Ukraine, and were just at that time in a hot spot. My thoughts were occupied only by them. Do you even realize when you accuse me of this, what was it like for us? We didn’t know if they were alive… I’m just choking with anger right now.
Yes, how can you, not knowing a person, invent such a thing and still openly pass it off as the truth.
People, do you have even heart?! How can you throw such accusations at a person, which you don’t know?!

What in THE world?? Do people just live to hate and cause trouble? I never in my life would have made any kind of connection like that…i am just so tired of stuff like this and it makes me so sad that people thrive on doing it. :broken_heart:

I am sorry that she is having to deal with such hatefulness…:pleading_face::broken_heart:

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People try to link things to political conspiracies anyway they can, even if their is no proof or logic to them.
I had heard that some were trying to get the dish Poutine off the menus because they thought it was named after Putin.
To them, it means something. You can’t change their mind, though, as they have a right to believe what they believe.:woman_shrugging:


And then there’s Disney and Johnny Depp :woman_shrugging:t2: Talk about extremes

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Oh yes the Poutine, we had some restaurants here renaming it. It’s like when people have boycott the Corona beer.
I saw this a few hours ago. Just before, the admin of a reborn group I am in, have decided to ban every pictures of reborns painted by Russian artists. Because you know, that finance the war. Even if they were bought years ago.
I am ashame of humanity some times.


From my understanding, people in Russia are brainwashed and anyone with a different opinion than that of the country leaders are killed. I would never blame a group of people for what the government does. They don’t have any say and in some countries it’s dangerous to speak out at all.

Someone is going to have to explain to me what this Zoe thing is. It sounds stupid.


I vaguely recall that the letter “Z” is being used by Russia/Putin as propaganda for the war against Ukraine. I’m guessing that’s why.

That’s horrible what happened to Natali Blick. Senseless and stupid like every internet troll. Better to just ignore, in my opinion.


One of the prototypes has a personalized pacifier with a Z for Zoe.



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Exactly! We have to be careful not to fall in xenophobia. Population as you said have no idea as they don’t have access to unbiased medias.

The “Z” is use as a symbol pro-russe, pro-war for the liberty and have different meanings, no one knows exactly what.


Jumping to conclusions that the artist and sculptor support the war


Scandals get more clicks, more social media & news coverage. Doesn’t seem to matter nowadays if a story is a lie or not…

As horrible as it sounds, maybe this will result in more people buying the kit (cause they’ll hear about it) and Natalie will be okay financially and continue making more sculpts like we all want. Welp, there’s the silver lining in a really laughable situation.


Wow…because of an initial on a pacifier. That’s ridiculous.


Common sense should tell people that the pacifier initial was because of the name Zoe. Not everyone knows that Z is being used for something pertaining to war. I had to look it up today.

And poutine. Cheese curds. For the love of :zipper_mouth_face::zipper_mouth_face::zipper_mouth_face::zipper_mouth_face::zipper_mouth_face::zipper_mouth_face: What name will there be for anything on this planet that does not offend someone??


well the kit sold out in a few minutes so that explains a lot how many people are with her and supporting her talent .


This reminds me of a tennis tournament that happened recently and people were calling to have the Russian players banned from playing unless they spoke out against the war. It’s not the athletes fault that their country’s government is like that. Does it make the war okay? Not at all. But if these athletes condemn the government they will be punished or killed. Very scary to think about. In the end I believe they were allowed to play but they could not wear the Russian flag on their uniform.


Thanks for all the explanation. It seems the world is going crazy, painting itself into a corner of being triggered and offended by things that do not mean what they think they do. It’s common sense that the Z would pertain to Zoey before anything else.


People are so quick to jump to conclusions on things like this. I’ve been taking Russian lessons for over a year now and recently had people accuse me of supporting the war. I was appalled. I began taking lessons to give myself a challenge and I know an older Russian woman who has trouble communicating in English. I’ve openly spoken out against the war, donated to Ukrainian relief funds, and walked in protests. A very close friend of mine flew out to the border to provide aid to refugees and translate and if I could’ve provided help out there I would’ve gone, but I sent supplies and funds with her instead. Sorry for the rant, I don’t like getting political as I don’t think this forum is the place for that but wow, things like this really get to me.


So sorry that happened to you. Don’t let it get you down. You’re not the enemy. Am glad your friend was able to go to the border and help.

Since you’re learning Russian, I am wondering if their letters are related to the Greek alphabet? They look kind of similar.

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The Cyrillic and Greek alphabets are closely related. It definitely took me a lot to stop seeing letters I was used to and thinking they would sound how they do in English!

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