What color

What color hair are u all seeing with Iwen Asleep?


Medium-dark brown. Very cute baby! One of my fav realborns!

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Owen rather

A light fawny brown or deep blond.

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I love Owen. He paints so easy

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He really does. I painted him years ago when he first came out.

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I’d put a medium brown on him.

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I think I’m out. I have really run through my supplies fir Christmas babies :baby:

Looks like a ginger to me.

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Same, I have painted him three times, more then any other kit. Normally I only paint each kit once but I really liked him. I have also painted summer rain twice which is another favorite. I have not had time to paint in so long since I’m working full time now :slightly_frowning_face: but I hope to be able to paint my Darren, Jaycee and Brooklyn one of these days.


My favorite kits are Brooklyn, Owen and Summer Rain. I also loved Reese as a girl.