Well here's Brandon, well sorta!

Ok he has no body, and no hair, but I think at least his painting
turned out nicely! lol

Considering it’s been months since I made a reborn. So take a peek
and let me know what ya think.

Photobucket | The safer way to store your photos … a/Brandon/

Thanks! I’m working on 2 monkey babies for my twins for Christmas
as well, and I got a custom order.

My hubby just shakes his head! He said he knew i’d not start lightly! lol

But with my days as free as they are now, I don’t feel pressured and
can work at my own pace.


Awww he’s so adorable!!

Thank you!! I really couldn’t bond with him and his big old head,
but I have to admit he did turn out cute in the end! lol
