The Nerve of People

You know, standing by a spouse during sickness is so special. I worked as a paralegal for 32 years and there are so many husband and wives that hit the door when this happens and it is so sad. My middle child, a daughter, got sick shortly after she was married and her husband just did not want a sick wife and they divorced after only three years of marriage. I pray that medical advances will be made that can help you. You are so young for this.


Awe thank you. I am doing far better than I was 4 years ago. I just have to keep being positive and saying that I can still do things that everyone else does, I just have to do it a bit differently :wink:
It makes me sad as well. I had some ladies I was close to on my sites and I watched them fall apart when their spouse left citing that they didnt get married to be a nurse. Whatever happened to ā€œin sickness and in healthā€?


That is so sad. And I have no idea what happened to this concept. My husband had an affair and left. I am the type who would have stayed with him and took care of him no matter how sick he got or what he went through, so definitely his loss. He may realize that now, but too late.


Devotion is missing in many marriages today. When the tough things in life happen and even just the aging process so many just want to bolt. Itā€™s so sad. God made marriage for life.


This whole subject turned to divorce (thanks to me wanting to donate my 2 ex husbands :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:). But I do feel a need to say, please donā€™t judge those of us who have a divorce or two (or more) in their past. I wholeheartedly believe marriage is for life. But my first husband turned out to be a child molester. That was an obvious marriage ender. No way would I ever work through that. He lost me AND his kids. End of story. Second husband decided girlfriends were acceptable. I tried hard to save that marriage. Sluts wouldnā€™t leave him alone. He kept trying to go back and forth between me and them. I respect myself enough to not play that game. You never know what goes on in someone elseā€™s marriage. For so many of us, divorce was unavoidable. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Iā€™m not judging anyone. Iā€™ve been divorced. All I said was meanā€™t in general. I wasnā€™t excluding myself.

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@DollyPardon He might come back to you when he would need you. The question: would you forgive him and take him back?

Nope. :rofl::rofl: Forgiveness, yes. We are on friendly terms for the sake of our kids. But anything else, not a chance. He just loves other women too much. And they love him because they constantly throw themselves at himā€¦ surprisingly, even now. He is getting older, has some gray hair, but they donā€™t care. He thinks heā€™s so hot that women canā€™t resist him, but really they are after his money. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


At the risk of sounding sexistā€¦most women do stay if the men are the ones that get sick but its far more common when its the motherā€¦I mean woman :stuck_out_tongue: who gets sick.


I sure hope no one thinks I was judging. I am not. I realize that things happen and could happen to me as it has several of my friends.


I am a fan of loyalty, love, promises, even vowsā€¦

That comes from who I am as a human.

Some people have different faiths or no faith and still believe in good and right.

I think humans are complicated and it is ok if you need to leave because it doesnā€™t work. Marriage was actually created by peopleā€¦it is a legal contract created for all kinds of reasons most that have nothing to do with love or connection.

If there is a God i would imagine that we are gifted with one special person (or maybe a handful of special people) that are meant to find us and hang out with us while we do this life so we donā€™t feel alone when the road gets bumpy. That could be a spouse, partner, a best friend, a sibling, a dogā€¦

My special person was my daughter, she was the love of my life, my best friend, my person. She is no longer alive in her body but she is still my person.


@Gabriell So true!


You have such a nice way with words :slight_smile:


Well said @Gabriell. I have always had a strong relationship with my kids and now my grand kids also. I know that they will always have a bond with me that will be forever. They are too important to throw away for a fling or flings with someone that only matters to you for a season or not really at all.

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Well said!

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I am so sorry you lost your daughter. It has to be the worst thing in this life to try and endure. My faith in God, brings to me attacks and condemnation on a daily basis, even if I donā€™t say anything. If someone knows Iā€™m a believer I will be put on the back burner, tossed aside and even attacked. Thatā€™s fine. The Bible says to have great joy when the world hates you. Because we will be blessed and rewarded in eternity. I have been called every name in the book, even by ā€œfamilyā€. Iā€™m avoided even though I mean no harm and I have no intention of preaching unless I feel the need to say something. My first human emotion is to feel very hurt, and I do, for a short time. But I know who I belong to, so it a fleeting time.
God is my refuge. I love everyone here. Have a blessed day.


Where do you live? Here in west Texas, pretty much everyone believes in God. Not everyone goes to church. But most are believers. It seems odd to me to envision believers being condemned and attacked. :confused:

My sister is always searching for the next love of her life. This morning, she sent me this guyā€™s profile pic from one of the sites. Is that his wife sleeping on his chest?!:open_mouth:


@cajuncuties LOL this picture truly suits the topic ā€˜The Nerve of Peopleā€™ even if it started as reborn subject :joy:


LOLā€¦that is too funny!!

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