
Lolololol you guys are the greatest! Sneak peak!


The kicker? That’s HIS side!!!


Well, there was definitely improvement!! Where are you going to put your reborning stuff? Is it goin to stay out where it was when you’re finished decorating, or will it be somewhere else?

I did put all the crates in my closet. His is full. Lol

I just moved locations. Now I have a room with a shutting door. :wink:

I wanted to do a tree with doll limbs as ornaments for when his dad comes for Christmas! And a doll head as the star!


Doesn’t that sound cool though???

I might need to steal that idea! Next time my brother has his girlfriend over :joy:


Lolololol it’s a good one, right???

Totally! Last time she came over I wasn’t allowed to play with my dollies :frowning:

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Wwwwwhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaattttttt? Hmmmm, he is REALLY asking for it!

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Looks great, Nikki! :thumbsup:

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Very nice!!

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Get you some of the shoe totes, they are big and flat and plastic, and fit under your bed,they hold around 10-15 pair of shoes. Can just slide them under the bed.lol ban lifted. I’ll look for pictures to show you.

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they separate

Those are super cool! But for some reason… My bed is super super low… Nothing fits. I wonder if they still sell those things that go under the bed feet that raise up the bed???

Yes they do.go to “Harriet carter” its an online type store with all those really cool things you didn’t even know you need ed.lol I’ve seen them on there.

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these? http://www.target.com/p/honey-can-do-bed-risers-set-of-4/-/A-15743595?ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=15743595&ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&CPNG=PLA_Storage%2BOrganization%2BShopping&adgroup=SC_Storage%2BOrganization&LID=700000001170770pgs&network=g&device=c&location=9029549&gclid=CjwKEAiA-s6zBRDWudDL2Iic4QQSJAA4Od3XEsd243H9rrZVxEEKWaB9F6fGRzd7mtJqtE2Nq1fd0xoCDiTw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

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Thank you ladies! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️

@nimlet hahahahahhahahahah not STORAGE WARS… I live near the BORDER WARS! Lolololololol watch that show I’ll be waving!!!