Stolen pics?

I just thought I would get some advice from you all. I’ve had my pics stolen by a lot of people over the years, so I may just be sensitive, but I see a post in a reborn group on facebook right now, and the listing is with my pics. I know the baby may have been resold and she’s just using my pics, but she has the baby listed for more than double what I originally sold it for almost four years ago and it just seems odd. I would hate for someone to be scammed using my photos. She also didn’t answer when I asked if she had a safety pic. Just wondering if that seems odd to anyone else?


Take it to the group admins attention.
With all the scammers out there you just never know.
Plus, if the doll is now used for 4 years, there is no way it’s the same condition as when you sold it. Even if it’s still in good shape.
Hit enter to soon lol
She should definitely be giving you credit. I don’t agree with using someone’s else’s photos even if you own the doll because the buyer needs to see the condition the doll is in right then and there


Well, I went to report it, better safe than sorry, since she never even answered me, and she’s already pulled the listing. Guess it was a scam. :frowning:


I would mention it. I would say “I am the artist of the doll in the pictures. Those pictures are ____ years old. Please provide CURRENT pictures that will show what the doll looks like now.”

And I would report to admin and message them and tell them what is up.


That’s a good idea. I think I will do that. :+1: