Ran out of mohair...almost done. GRRRR

I was hoping to list this baby before Christmas (Lane) and I ran out of my precious Delta Dawn dark golden brown. Nothing else I have comes close. Sometimes things don’t turn out the way you plan…especially if you forget to plan.


Oh no!! That happened to me one time when I was pretty close to the end. I ended up cutting offf the length of the hair and rooting little bitty hairs and it took me hours but I managed to squeeze it out.
Hate when things happen like that!


Do you cut your mohair into shorter pieces before you start rooting?? These pieces look pretty long. If you cut them before hand you will have more hair to work with. Just a tip.

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Never thought of doing that. Thanks. I’m ending up with half my hair on the floor.

By cutting it first into shorter lengths it will save you a lot of money. Also it saves so much cutting when you’re all done. Just make sure to keep all the hair going the same way. I lay mine on a paper towel with the words “cut end” written at the top,