Please can you help me ID this doll?

Hi all… I would so appreciate your help in identifying this doll for me. This is the last doll my Mom gave to me before she passed away and I am heart sick over its being destroyed. I had her on display in my formal living room on my carpeted floor since she was too tall for the curio. The water heater broke and leaked water everywhere… under my piano, under the carpet in my living room, in the basement, on my hard wood floors, etc. The water was not discovered for a few days and my doll is mildewed on her body and her clothes. The card which was attached to her was saturated with water and unreadable, so I have no idea of the manufacturer, name of doll, etc so that I can replace her. Does anyone recognize her? She is about 22 to 23 inches tall. I redressed her in her original purple outfit to help with identification. Thanks for your help.

Hugs, Joanie

First, I’m so sorry about the damages from your water heater break, and I know how hard it is to lose something precious like that from your Mom. While I don’t recognize the doll, I do have a suggestion. Madame Alexander has been a big name in dolls for so many years you might actually send a picture to someone there and ask. If it is not theirs, they may be able to refer you to another company. Another company I know sold dolls back in the '70’s was House of Lloyds. They were big on the east coast and we bought dolls at home demonstrations. I wish I could help more, but it won’t hurt to ask.

My husband & I had just such a water heater disaster 2 years ago at our home in Kentucky. It went months with water creating mold & mildew through until the entire interior of the house had to be trashed - drywall, flooring, cabinetry, ceiling fans, clothing, drapes – everything. Fortunately insurance covered most of the damages since we live in AZ and don’t get back on a regular basis. So, I know a lot of personal possessions were destroyed. Keep your chin up – I’m crossing my fingers that someone will recognize her, or be able to identify the maker for you.

Maybe Carmen or someone could make a new body using the old one for a pattern. Maybe Janie could re-make her costume. Then it would still be the doll from your mom, just with a “facelift.”

— Begin quote from “kimomax”

Maybe Carmen or someone could make a new body using the old one for a pattern. Maybe Janie could re-make her costume. Then it would still be the doll from your mom, just with a “facelift.”

— End quote

Kim - that’s brilliant. I must have been asleep when I responded!

Thanks so much for your suggestions. I did check and she does have the following letters on the back of her neck: MG. I thought maybe it was Masterpiece Gallery, but could find nothing. She is porcelain. Thank you for you suggestion.

Love ya,

— Begin quote from “kimomax”

Maybe Carmen or someone could make a new body using the old one for a pattern. Maybe Janie could re-make her costume. Then it would still be the doll from your mom, just with a “facelift.”

— End quote

I could definitely make you a new body… PM me if you want to go that route.



Carmen, you are an angel. I will see how this pans out and let you know. Thank you so very much.

Hugs, Joanie

— Begin quote from “joan4115”

Carmen, you are an angel. I will see how this pans out and let you know. Thank you so very much.

Hugs, Joanie

— End quote

You are very welcome - just let me know.



Hope everything works out with your doll!