Online Ethnic Reborning Class

Hi everyone :wave:t2:

I currently have an online ethnic reborning walkthrough/class on Facebook. I post step by step videos of my entire painting process beginning to end. It is $230 to access the private group and you are able to pay whatever you’d like, whenever convenient for yourself :slight_smile: I have a few ladies here who have already joined. If you’re interested, please let me know!


What a great idea Juicy!!!


I’m interested. How do I sign up? I saw this on Facebook but I need to sell a doll before I can pay. So I was trying to wait for that. How does your payment plan work?


You may pay whatever you’d like, when you can. You will always be able to access the group :relaxed:
When paid in full, I’ll send an invite.

Payments can be sent here :heart:


Perfect! Thanks so much!

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The skin texture on these is incredible!


Thank you!

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I am very interested! Let me check my funds and see when I can pay you. I would like to before I start my next baby! Thank you :grin::heart:


Absolutely :heart:

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I’m interested! Is this for genesis?

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Yes ma’am!

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Ok thank you!

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I am taking the class and so far it is worth every penny.

I can paint, and I have made a whole lot of babies but I struggle with deep browns, it’s hit or miss for me. I don’t usually take workshops but I have watched Jesse’s work evolve over the last couple years and she has found her jam.

It is nice and slow, each step explained.

I joined behind everyone else and it didn’t take me long to catch up (you can jump in anytime and she answers question in real time).

Oh Lordy I hope she does an eyebrow tutorial!

Jesse is sweet and generous with her class. If you are painting to sell these are some good skills to have if you plan to do babies with deeper tones.


Thank you for your feedback love! Much appreciated :two_hearts:


I would love to do this! Is there a written tutorial that goes with it or just the online videos?

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It’s just the online part right now but I’ll be able to make my tutorial book when I’m finished with the class!


I would love to join as well.

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