No time, and heart not in it!

I’m thinking about selling some of my kits. some are the discontinued BB kits but i don’t want to regret it. I have a granddaughter that will be born in September and I will be her babysitter while her parents are at work as I refuse to let her go to a daycare. So I know I won’t have much time to reborn. Not to mention I still have 4 of my own at home. 15,13,10 and 9, so needless to say i’m a very busy mom and grandma. My oldest 3 are 28, 27 and 23. I also love to read and write poetry and short stories, which I have not been able to do in almost 2 years.
I wanted to get opinions from you all because I feel you will be honest.
I need some sort of direction. I don’t want to give it up completely, just maybe weekends.


Unless you have a huge number of kits it might be wise to just put some away and see how it goes. Your granddaughter won’t be an infant forever. Maybe your older kids could help a little so you could have at least an hour a day for reborning.


Would it be possible destash the kits that AREN’T discontinued? Maybe sell the more common kits, but save the ones you love the most for when you have time again.


I will have one on the go, and more often than not these days everything will be sitting covered up for when I get time/the urge to do a little more on it. Perhaps you could try that, if you have a safe place to leave the project for as long as it takes.


Hang on to them for a year, then decide. For me, my hobby interests wax and wane along with my responsibilities but dolls will always be in the picture. If that sounds like you then keep them. If you’re on the fence, keep them. If those last two sentences annoyed you, sell them :slight_smile:


I have been slacking lately myself due to multiple family functions, as well as, working on my house and burn out at times. I totally understand. So far, I have decided to walk away from my kits and paint a bit when I have time. Hopefully I will be able to get back at it soon.

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I have 6 kiddos. 2 in college. The 21 yr old in college still lives with us. One 20 year old goes to school out of state but is home for the summer. The other 20 ur old is at basic training. That leaves me with 3 additional kiddos. My 16 yr old special needs, my 15 yr old and my 12 yr old. I homeschool them and Ive kept my friend’s 1 yr old baby daily since she came home from nicu. I also started a cleaning business after my husband’s job closed last year. I say all this to tell you that my house is always busy and I swear some days are busier than most, but the thing I look forward to during my free time is being able to mix colors and bring kits to life. If you still get this feeling then don’t rush into the decision to stop painting. Give yourself time to adjust to all the new stuff going on in your life and remember to make time for you. And “you time” is anything that makes you happy :blush:
Good Luck, it can be done!


Just a note on my own experience. I was getting things together about 11 years ago to start the reborning. They used the Berenguer dolls then. Anyway, I got some of the supplies together, and purchased dolls, etc. Then, I learned we were getting a new grand child. Turned out to be a girl, but anyway I put it all aside to be able to crochet for the baby, etc. Then, after she was born I was able to get my daughter to allow me to keep her while she worked. So, that is what I did. I just this past February finally got back to it. But, I kept my dolls and everything from back about 11 years ago. I asked my artist daughter (who had the daughter) how long were the acrylic paints good? She told me as long as they were sealed tight it would be pretty much indefinite. So, I just purchased what I need to go with with I had, and I ordered a kit from BB. I am on my 4th one now. One thing I really love about BB is that they have sales and 2nds. This has helped me as a beginner be able to get into reborning. I could not justify the higher prices of some sites for kits to learn on. Also, BB has some really cute kits. OK. Just wanted to say all that so you can see that you may be able to put it away for a while. As someone else said, the baby won’t be a baby always. :slight_smile: Hope this helps in some small way.


Okay here is my thought. You have an amazing opportunity for a “buddy system” with all the kids. Esp if you’re making money with your dolls, give the tweens and teens responsibility to help with this baby. Let them take turns.Infants usually sleep alot so between that and the buddy system…your good!! Keep the kits and congratulations on that precious bundle :slight_smile:

This may help :slight_smile:


OMG, thank you so much. I love this!

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Thanks everyone for your advice they are all so helpful. It makes me feel good and gives me hope now that I know I’m not the only one in this boat.

