New trading box.** update**

I’m thinking about starting one up , Would anyone like to join in on it

I will assemble a box of reborning items . Items that can be considered for the box are mohair, doll bodies, doll kits, rooting needles if they are in a closed container, paints if they are sealed up tightly, eyes, cable ties, clothing new with or with out tags, rattles, blankets etc… You will bag each item and write on the bag the VALUE of the item. You will then take out of the box you just received anything that you like and as many items as you like…BUT, you must replace the items with equal value—please be fair with your pricing. You are free to put more in than you take out if that is your choice…our main concern is the value of the items not being less than what you actually took out of the box. There will be a logbook in the box that has an inventory sheet on it, who received the box before you, who gets it after you and what each person took out and put in. Each member needs to review the log and check contents in the box to make sure the log is accurate each trip it takes. The other stipulation in playing is that you must be willing to pack in a different (larger) box if necessary and you must be willing to insure the pkg for the value of the contents inside it and also place delivery confirmation on the box. I would like to have at least 10 participants in the beginning. After I get all the addresses and phone numbers, I will be doing it just like heavenly~bliss~nursery is do hers so please Pm me your information


2-Neise’s Nursery
5-Susan from TX
8Calla Babies
16-Kennedys*boutique (brenda weaver)

If you PM me and your name is not on the list please PM me again

Thanks ladies , I got you all down

me too

— Begin quote from “heavenly~bliss~nursery”

— Begin quote from __"kennedysboutique"__*

I’m thinking about starting one up , Would anyone like to join in on it
I will assemble a box of reborning items . Items that can be considered for the box are mohair, doll bodies, doll kits, rooting needles if they are in a closed container, paints if they are sealed up tightly, eyes, cable ties, clothing new with or with out tags, rattles, blankets etc… You will bag each item and write on the bag the VALUE of the item. You will then take out of the box you just received anything that you like and as many items as you like…BUT, you must replace the items with equal value—please be fair with your pricing. You are free to put more in than you take out if that is your choice…our main concern is the value of the items not being less than what you actually took out of the box. There will be a logbook in the box that has an inventory sheet on it, who received the box before you, who gets it after you and what each person took out and put in. Each member needs to review the log and check contents in the box to make sure the log is accurate each trip it takes. The other stipulation in playing is that you must be willing to pack in a different (larger) box if necessary and you must be willing to insure the pkg for the value of the contents inside it and also place delivery confirmation on the box. I would like to have at least 10 participants in the beginning. After I get all the addresses and phone numbers, I will be doing it just like heavenly~bliss~nursery is do hers so please Pm me your information

— End quote

I thought that wording sounded familiar…lol

— End quote

Thanks for letting me use them , LOL

Any other that would like to get in on this I will keep it open till tomorrow morning , I will mail out box on saturday
we have 10 player in at this time

I’ll Join this one. Count me in too.


Me too I want in! Pming you now!

Hi , I have about 17 or 18 names on the list so I’m closing it I will mail box out tomorrow, I have been working on it all day so i have it ready to ship , I will post names tonight thanks everyone

If 1 or 2 more would like to join in I will start a 2nd box I have 19 that is on the list now , so anyone else ??

OK Ladies no one else was add still 19 there will be one box (the box is seal so I can not add no more name sorry ) It will be on the way to heavenly~bliss~nursery I will post DC# later today thanks to all that join in on the fun

Will you give us the names in order that will be receiving the box so we can start watching for it? Or is it somewhere else and I missed it?

Here is the names in order

2-Neise’s Nursery
5-Susan from TX
9-Calla Babies
15-Jean the baby lady

Here is the tracking # 03061070000493619281

I’ll be the first to admit, I know nothing about trading boxes. But since everyone who takes something out, puts something in, looks like it
could keep going around and around as it would never be empty???

Just a thought! Since Zina mentioned those brushes, now I am kicking
me self thinking I should have signed up!! lol

But I do like reading about what you ladies get!!!


Hi did you post the right DC#03080730000124466341
it’s showing another address

Label/Receipt Number: 0308 0730 0001 2446 6341
Class: Priority Mail®
Service(s): Delivery Confirmation™
Status: Arrival at Unit

Your item arrived at 9:50 PM on July 14, 2009 in OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73125. Information, if available, is updated periodically throughout the day. Please check again later.

 Enter Label/Receipt Number.  

Enter Label / Receipt Number.

Detailed Results:

Arrival at Unit, July 14, 2009, 9:50 pm, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73125
Acceptance, July 13, 2009, 1:58 pm, JOELTON, TN 37080

It not showing that it been drlivered yet it has arrived at Unit so maybe it will still get to her ( It may be just going a long way around )

Hi Ladies , I would like to thank Joan (luvraggedys) she put in alot more then she took out of the box , That was sweet of her to do that , So when you get the box Please make sure it is items that can be use for reborn and it not just items you need to get rid of , so everyone can get some nice items and have fun with the trade box , thanks again Joan for the extras .


Sara I do not have you down on my list


Here it is fabulousfinds07

Hi ladies I’m out of town so Can anyone tell be where the box is ??