Neutralizing my first gray kit new color vinyl...UPDATED

and it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.

However, the mix is a mystery, LOL. I took the ethnic brown mix I had left over from my last session and added some of my crease mix to it that I had left over and then added some Pyrrole red 07. The flesh mix had some flesh o5 with a hint of blue & yellow and I think some burnt umber.

What I ended up with is a color that is somewhere between the color of silly putty and terra cotta.
It is the color in the middle well here that I made.

Here is the painted head on the left compared to unpainted on the right. It has 2 layers of the mix I made on it. This is one of the sale kits I bought that I am going to reborn as a budget baby from my Simply Baby line. Now what I will do is mottle and blush her, paint creases, veins etc and then use a yellowish flesh layer last to pull it all together
that will be a Simply Baby. My Simply Baby line are dolls that are made for older children, Alzheimer’s and Dementia comfort therapy, or just any adult looking for a simpler reborn on a budget.

She/he will either be bald or have painted hair.

thats looks great and its wonderful that you give that opportunity for people. i admire you for that

The first neutralizing layers I applied with a brush then pounced over them with a sponge.

Here is the baby almost done painting. He/she has a hat that goes with this outfit but it is way too big. This is a flash pic.

Looking good!

Here is the link to the finished doll: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=45461
She has 2 neutralizing layers, 2 mottling layers, creases and light veining, a yellow ocre wash and a final touch up layer to pull it all together. She has painted hair textured lightly with GMV. Her nails are painted and sealed and her mouth, nostrils and eyes are sealed. Due to the blandness of the vinyl, I found it worked not to use any actually flesh colored layers. Also, the Simply Baby line of dolls are not heavily painted dolls thus to keep the time involved and costs down.