Name the price

Is that maybe Lucy Tina Kewy?

Nope itā€™s not that . I need to find the name out

I agree with @AnnieSokay. Itā€™s not easy to find what you do, and you are great at it. You would make a mil in San Antonio selling sugar skulls around the day of the dead. Itā€™s amazing down there!


Love the encouragement you gave her. This is what the post is all about.

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The kit is Josie Leigh by Connie Burkeā€¦I just painted one as well :wink:

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Yes yes thatā€™s it. Thank you.

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Youā€™re welcome!

Price suggestions:


So has this idea been scrapped ? havenā€™t seen any pricing or anything added lately too bad it seems like a nice idea .
It would really help if you have painted babies that you were not thrilled about the sculpt too because I know I never like the ones that the sculpt is not a favorite even if they do look nice to others .


Iā€™ll play here is one I do not like the sculpt used but think surly it could be worth a little bit how little $90 or


Free ? $20 , 30 , 40 50 ? :rofl: nobody wants to play at all ? so okay I gave it a try goodwill maybe LOL .

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Iā€™ve never sold a doll so I canā€™t help! I helped @Miss_Kitty cause I bought a head from her. :slightly_smiling_face:


Iā€™d say $450 to $500. Sheā€™s lovely.


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I canā€™t see him rooting up close, but I would say $300.


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That is why I didnā€™t offer a price on one LOL I have sold some but not enough to be a good judge of what should be charged .
I just thought perhaps if I added another baby to the bunch someone would join in and get this started for her but I really donā€™t think there is enough interest.
In this case they couldnā€™t hurt my feelings I already donā€™t like this one :smile:


If I ever sell a baby I would start at $300 then add for eyes, rooting etc, and subtract for mistakes or things I need to improve on.


Before he goes to Goodwill, you know my address. :smile:


Sounds like a plan you could also go with adding up all your costs and go from that include postage .

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Well thank you my first price he is good enough for goodwill :rofl:

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And in the case of goodwill I would have no postage charges I can just walk up and chuck him in the big box another plus for them LOL

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