Monthly Baby Pageant (MBP) Information & Rules - please read

The Monthly Baby Pageant (MBP) is not sponsored by BB but instead, by several long-term members of this wonderful forum. BB’s only role is that of providing the platform on which we can learn from each other and encourage others to push the boundaries of their art. We firmly believe that competition is an incentive to each of us to do our best and improve our reborning skills and as such, have created this pageant to push the artist in each of us. Any and all concerns should be directed to the pageant hosts and not to Bountiful Baby. Good luck!

All active BB Forum members are encouraged to vote once for the baby who BEST fits all the following criteria:
… • Overall presentation: including outfit, posing, props, photography and theme
… • Painting - including nails, creases, lips, skin tones and mottling, if done
… • Hair: rooting, painted/rooted or bald if appropriate for the sculpt and overall look of the baby.

Monthly, the best over-all Baby Pageant winner will be announced and a logo will be sent to the winning Artist on the 1st of the following month which is the start of the next pageant’s month. The logo will be the same each month with an outside border depicting that month’s theme (for example: shamrocks for the March “Wee L’il Ones / Luck o’ the Irish” competition).

Here are the MBP rules:

  • Only Active Forum Members can participate in the pageant (entering a baby and voting).
    … • Minimum posts: 150, of which at least 50 must be recent
    … • Must be currently posting at least 4 times a month

  • For the purpose of this pageant, all babies entered must be Bountiful Baby sculpts.

  • Each baby may only enter one monthly pageant - no redressing and re-entering as another baby in a later themed month.

  • All photos must be kept anonymous. This gives everyone a fair shot at winning based on the merits of their doll and their presentation skills, not popularity.

… • Please, no Work In Progress (WIP) pictures are to be posted on the forum of your pageant baby.
… • Anyone discovered to have shilled for votes among other members will be automatically disqualified.

  • Entry babies cannot be openly posted on any forum until after voting has ended (if you are receiving help or being tutored, private pictures to that one other member is allowed - but within reason)

  • Eligible dolls for pageant: A recently reborned baby, toddler, twins, triplets or more in ONE photo.

  • Entries for MBP will be accepted from the 1st to the 20th of each month only. Please do not wait until the last minute to submit your photos as there is a lot that the pageant hosts need to do to prepare the poll.

  • On the 21st of the month, the new poll will open for voting.

  • On the last day of the month, the poll will close and the winner for that month will be announced.

  • To enter the pageant, you will need 4 High Resolution clear pictures (not blurry) with no identifying marks (No Nursery or Artist Names) to include the following:

… • A close up of your baby’s face
… • Rooting
… • Nails
… • Full body presentation

  • There is a theme for each month; although not mandatory that your baby adhere to the theme, it would be fun to have that uniformity across all of the babies. The themes for this year are:

… March – Wee L’il Ones / Luck o’ the Irish
… April – Easter Blessings and Bonnets
… May – Ethnic Babies Around the World
… June -– Great Apes
… July – Born in the USA
… August – Toddlers and Tiaras
… Sept – Fall and Fairies
… Oct -– Halloween/ Oh, You L’il Monster
… Nov -– Tiny Blessings
… Dec – Christmas Spirit

Please note that while you do not HAVE to follow the monthly theme, it adds to the fun and MAY help you win votes. Also, following the theme is of your own personal interpretation. For example: you may think the October theme “Oh, You L’il Monster” would be best depicted with your baby wearing a monster-themed outfit while someone else may choose to make a reborn Frankenstein or werewolf. Someone else may go in an entirely different direction and show off a badly behaving toddler! All three examples follow the theme!!!

The above information and the rules for the Monthly Baby Pageant have been developed after much discussion and consideration by the pageant hosts. Any questions and/or concerns should be directed toward one of the following:

Cher Simnitt … forum ID : Cher_Simnitt … email: whoopiecat@sbcglobal.netKim KasaKaitas … forum ID : kimomax … email: kmkmsbt@yahoo.comCarmen McNair … forum ID : mcnair6 … email:

A HUGE thanks to both Carmen and Kim For all your hard work and support in making this happen !!!
Seems I always come up with Ideas and then have no Idea how to make them happen and I could NOT have gotten this off the ground with out the both of you and all the BB members that added their insite in to all of this !!! YEA MBP is off the ground !!!
Now ya all get busy and inter your babies for the Wee lil ones/ luck o the Irish pagent !!!

Cher, thanks for coming up with the idea. It was fun to brainstorm with the two of you ans put all our ideas together. Carmen, you did a super job combining everything and it is presented very nicely.

I want to say Thank-You Cher, Carmen and Kim for doing this. YOU THREE ARE AWSOME!!! I am so proud to be a member of this forum.

This really sounds like a lot of fun. Thank you ladies for putting so much work and thought into getting a competition going on this forum.

Hey… were did my post go? Anyway, here goes try #2

Cher - I so much appreciate you coming up with this idea! It is wonderful to have a little competition to encourage each of us to do our very best.

Kim and Cher - Thank you both so much for working with me to come up with all of the information posted above and to come up with rules that would be fair to everyone. Your input was greated needed and appreciated. Thank you for helping make sure that nothing was forgotten or left out.

Members of BB - Y’all are the best and I encourage each of you to participate and have fun each month as we attempt to make the best of this baby pageant. Let the competition begin! Let’s have fun with this!

Our very own dream team - Thank you Carmen, Kim & Cher for your dedication, and support and genuine friendship!

Awww… Y’all are making me blush.

Thank you ladies for doing this for all us us here on BB!!! I think it will be great fun for all!!!

Thank you so much for doing this ladies. I will be putting those guidelines in my book.

This is gonna be so great!

Thank you to the wonderful girls who put this together. This should be fun. I can hardly wait to see the entries.

What a great set of rules and they are so complete…you all did a very thorough job of putting this together. WELL DONE!!! Now to get started on those March Babies!!! I have to get my current custom done first. OH my!!! Hurry hurry hurry…rooting is such a lonnnnnnnng process. I guess while I root I can be planning what sculpt and how to ‘decorate’. so fun!!!

Thanks again girls.

All Bountiful Baby kits new and old are eligible !!! After all this is BB’s forum !!!

Thank you for setting this up! I am having a few ideas for this!

Oooh, I can’t wait for this to start! I hope I’ll collect enough posts until then

You may start sending pic to your Pageant hosts any time after the !st of feb - You WIN A logo of the pageant that will have your nursery name /date and the month you won on it and it will be posted here untill the next months winner (for all to see !) Sorry there are no actual prizes (were all broke !!LOL) But the Idea of this is to show off our tallents ,honor those who do exceptional work and push all of us to always work to improve our skills !!! Most of all -its for FUN!!! This months theme is luck o 'the Irish so get those creative juices flowing and create the perfect baby to show off what YOU think this means !!!

Thank you so very much for doing this ladies…I think this will be a lot of fun…I do have a question and did not find the answer, but may have missed it…what criteria for novice/beginner and advance/expert? Is there an outline somewhere for us to refer to to place ourselves in the appropriate catagory?

Denise, right now we are leaving that up to each individual to decide where she belongs. I think most people will be realistic about where they wish to compete and where they feel their abilities lie. We did not want to put a time frame such as how long someone has been reborning. We have seen some incridible first and second babies. You can always ask someone for advice, too.

I am bumping this up because I think our new members aren’t aware that there are monthly pageants that they can participate in after 150 posts…