Monday’s Sales Status at BB

This morning I swapped out 11 sale kits for new ones. And then I took 5 more off sale, so it is now 45 kits on sale instead of 50. But with 11 kits that were not on sale yesterday, you might want to take a look again:

For the "Other Half Price Deals”, 2 ran out of stock and I took 3 more off sale. So it is also 45 “Other Deals” now instead of 50.

This marks a turning point where I am dialing the sales back down. But there’s still a ton of deals available. And as I mentioned before, we are about a day behind on shipping right now, so please allow one extra day at this time.

Thanks so much!

Nevin Pratt, CEO


Are you gearing up for a large shipment and needed to clear some space?

I’m doing my part, can never pass up a good sale! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Can’t wait for Charles to come back in stock.

I would love to take advantage of the sale, but I’m holding out for some sleeping realborns I’ve been wanting so i can place a big order. I missed Jade and Zuri in the awesome sale about two weeks ago :tired_face:

Jade and Zuri are on sale right now (Tuesday morning). -Nevin

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