Make a Wish

I was just contacted by Make A Wish Foundation. They are adopting one of my babies for an 11 year old girl. So precious, and sad at the same time. My heart goes out to these children and families. They said they will be using me in the future for more babies also.


Oh my goodness, yes, so sad. So grateful you’re helping such a worthy cause.

That’s very bittersweet but what a compliment to your work!

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BUT …the good think… your the one behind this girls wish . Your baby dose the part of her/his job to letting this girl hugging and cuddle it.

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Oh that is so wonderful. That is a great organization. You will be a blessing for sure!

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I love that organization ! They help so many children.

The make a wish, isn’t always for " dying" son was on it. He went through a bone marrow transplant,its kind of something for the kids to look forward to. Its still an amazing honor.great job!