Let's Show our Work, or WIP!

If you’re referencing the werepup, you can find them here:

They take a long time to ship, though. @jlesser I think I ordered in June and received in August? The vinyl is also kind of inconsistent. Thin in some areas, thick in others. I think the cuteness of it is worth those things, but that’s just me :wink:

@Katinafleming did you have trouble with the eye sockets on yours? On mine they were so thin one tore off (on the inside) and the other is not going to be strong enough to hold in an eye…


Hes cute…are you putting hair on him as well?

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Yep, the paint is just to lay out his markings. I’m thinking he (she?) will be blonde, orange/brown, and white.


My eye sockets were fine. I emailed them this morning and asked how long shipping is taking now. We had to wait so long because they weren’t in stock yet. They SHOULD be able to ship right away now. But according to the Facebook chatter, people are still waiting on their kits and some are defective and they won’t replace the defective ones. :grimacing:


Not totally related but I saw a lady say she has been waiting for 3 years for a silicone werepup… crazy.


Yep! Several people have been waiting 3 years for their silicone ones. I think that’s why the vinyl ones are so popular with customers. Its their only shot at actually getting a werepup. :grimacing:


Well shoot, I guess I should have contacted them. Though maybe it wouldn’t have mattered anyway? I’m just going to have to get creative with moleskin :wink: I am a little concerned with how thin the vinyl is on one of the ankles though- trying not to bake it too much. I might have been off on when I said I ordered- I know it said they were in stock but might not ship for a while because they were out on tour. It came eventually though- maybe 6 weeks. Glad it wasn’t 3 years! Oof.

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I think mine took about 6 weeks to get here. I didn’t notice any weak spots in the vinyl. Thick and thin spots, but all sturdy. I hope they get all their company issues fixed. Werepups are loved. They could have an amazing business if they’d get more organized.


Someone’s getting hair! (Juliet)


How cute!

I got ya now :+1: make up your words girl lol, whatever works for you!! I just like reading everyones tips and tricks, thought I might have missed something. Seems like I’ve done a hundred washes on the kit I’m working on now and it’s finally getting to where I want it.

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They don’t replace defective ones? Yikes, I won’t be ordering from them, then… :zipper_mouth_face:


Cuddle baby Madison Awake!


I know I already commented on facebook but…

I LOVE her skin tones :heart:


omg, I LOVE her!!!

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Cutest Madison I’ve seen yet. She is adorable! :heart_eyes:

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She is adorable, Love this sweetie!

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Love her whats not to love :smile:

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She is absolutely gorgeous!

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Realborn Dominic as a girl, just the top of her head to micro root, trim and seal.