Kit match-help please

I am stumped with this one. I was hoping to stay with a BB kit-since I have so many but that’s not mandatory. I have 2 kits in mind but…meh :expressionless: Would love some input if anyone has any ideas.


Looks like some of Gudrun Legler’s kits. Not sure which specifically though.

Maybe realborn Quinn for the asleep?

Felicia for the awake…

Or Ana?

Kai Legler for the sleeping baby…?

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Thanks Pia, I looked at her kits last night and Ana and Kai caught my eye. I’ll have to check out Felicia.
Donna mentioned Jude Auer, and I was thinking BB Clyde asleep.

Just keep thinking there must be something better out there. The doll show looked fun, wish I was able to make it. :disappointed:

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I’ll take a look. I think the sleeper pic reminds me of the older realborns .This is a toughy!

It was so fun… you should plan on it next year…

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I have a untouched Jude Auer listed on if you decide on him. I have him at $100. Barefeet Baby Boutique. :footprints: :baby:

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