I'm so happy

The movers sent me my sewing machine that they forgot to put on the moving truck!!! And guess what. My camera was in it too!!! No wounder why i couldnt find it. Now i can take pictures and post them this week-end!!! I got 3 babies done that need pictures taken so i can show them to ya all.

Oh awesome thats great that you got it back

That’s great! I always love it when something shows up! Now get busy and take photos and sew things for us to see and make more babies and … No more excuses…we want to see!

Yeah i’m making 2 bodies right now! I’m lousy at taking pictures. It’s hard getting good poses so they look like a baby.

I am so happy for you!

That’s great!!

thank-You everyone. You are all so awsome!

YAY!!! I love it when things like this happen…now get busy, girl!