Gender dilemma: boy or girl?

Put 4 pieces of paper hat say boy and 4 that say girl and let your family members draw. Most pulls wins!

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I saw girl in both pictures.

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Becca, I know she was a special purchase for you and I know you really love her!! How did you envision her when you were waiting for her to come in the mail? If you were envisioning a little girl then I would go with that!! Or vice versa. I see Miracle as a girl, always have. BUT—she could be either, I have a kit and when I do her she will be a Girl.


I see girl! This is clearly a baby that could go either way. If this is to sell then I’d go with girl since they generally sell better. If it’s a keeper, then it’s totally up to what you want. Which version makes you feel the best?

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She could definitely be either but I went back and looked at your pics of her and she is such a sweet girl💕 girls r great because you can fancy them up or dress them in overalls and they are still adorable!



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It could go either way, but my husband and kids and I like Girl. :slight_smile:

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She looks like a girl in both photos to me. All I am seeing is girl in this little one.


I say boy.

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I see girl :slight_smile:

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I see a girl

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I think it would make a very sweet and delicate baby boy.

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All pink! Definitely a little girl.


I say boy! He’s such a cute little one!

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Thank you all so much!!! I think she’ll stay a girl :laughing: :heart_eyes: Maybe she just needs a twin brother (at the moment my wallet highly disagrees, however) :joy:

I’ll announce the winner on Wednesday :yum: again, thank you everyone for your input! I really appreciate it!!

And for anyone wondering, I didn’t reborn her- she is by Cassie of Doves Nursery (you can find her on eBay).