FYI, online clothing store I like

Recommending online store “thredup”. I have shopped there for clothes for myself, and now looking at some great baby items. It is like an online, searchable thrift store, so if you only want to see…overalls in 3 month size, set the filters and there they are! I haven’t bought baby clothes from them yet, but three times ordered things for myself and have been happy with what I got. And prices are decent.


Do you get a bonus if we sign up?

No, lol! After my first purchase I shared the link on my facebook, primarily to let my family know about the site, and there was some sort of discount offered both ways from that link. You don’t have to sign up, but of course like every other online store once you buy
they will keep emailing you with this or that discount code to get you to buy again :roll_eyes:

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I just wanted to know before I signed up, lol! Thanks for sharing.

I’ve heard of it. I’ll check it out. Thanks for sharing.