
I just have to say (because I don’t know anyone else who cares! Lol) I love BB’s Deal of the Day. This is the best place. Denise Pratt is a genius. The deals have allowed me to get kits that I can afford without worrying too much while I’m still working on becoming a better artist. It has also helped me discover that Marissa May is my favorite sculptor. Since I’m talking about things I love I also want to mention that after trying so many different needles I finally found the perfect one for me. It took longer to find that than it did to find my husband! Haha I am using a 40 gauge single barb with Slumberland hair and now rooting is so much more fun!
Who is your favorite sculptor?
Which needle do you love?

I smiled when you said you liked Marissa May’s sculpts, because I think I have all of her…I began to find, though, that all my babies looked alike, like siblings in a family! I had to branch out to try other artists! I use a larger needle than you but I’m not satisfied with the results, so I should switch.

I guess I’d have to say Marissa May also.

I have lots of “favorite” sculptors including Romie Strydom, – but if I had to choose from those on BB’s site, I must say that I love Laura Lee Eagles, Denise Pratt, Linda Smith, Donna Rupert & Michelle Fagan – I especially love Michelle’s detailed hands and feet on Easton/Elliott/Grant – Linda’s work on Cozy, and pretty much all that Denise and Laura Lee Eagles have done.

If I had to pick one very special reborner that I just love & always recognize her work, it would be Helen Jalland.

I am also extremely grateful that BB offers great deals, wonderful artists to chose from and keeps supplies as affordable as possible.
