Does anybody know a good place to get real life like silicone dolls

In need of some good websites or excellent artists


If you have Facebook, I recommend looking for Facebook groups

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Noe Art Dolls on Facebook

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Izzy Zhao at The Baby Nook on Facebook makes extremely realistic silicone dolls. So does These are both legitimate sites.

Be careful about websites - many are scams. Artist’s own nurseries may have websites but they will have extremely detailed descriptions and only a few dolls available unlike scam sites, other than that, marketplace style sites offering many many dolls from many different artists (like Etsy) are ideal. If a non-mini silicone baby is a few hundred dollars or even less, it’s a scam. If a silicone baby is called silicone vinyl, it’s a scam. If a silicone baby is a twin A or B kit or a Saskia kit, it’s a scam - look these up to see what they look like, they are only available in vinyl.

Remember to ask for lots of close up photos and a safety photo showing the artist or seller’s name and today’s date on a piece of paper with the baby, consider asking them to add something like a fork or drawing a picture of a cat to the photo so you know it’s really theirs. Silicones will run over $1500 due to the cost of silicone materials to make the dolls, selling under $1000 would mean the artist would pay more to produce the doll than they’d make by selling it, so consider prices and how realistic they seem before buying. There are LOTS of silicone doll scams right now. You can always ask us on the forum about whether someone is a trusted artist or whether a listing looks legitimate before purchasing!!


If I would be ready to spend $3,000.00+ on silicon baby I would go to a doll show near me (ROSE or IDTS) and buy it in person.

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What is IDTS mean

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