Clothing neck holes

i can’t find onesies with smaller neck holes… I don’t like when they are so big and you can see the body. I can not sew, and my safely pin job looks like crappola. Is there a better way?

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I know what you mean. Some of them have huge neck openings. I’ve tried making them smaller, but they don’t look right. So now I just look in Walmart, Target and online for ones that have obviously smaller openings. When they’re side by side you can see it. It does limit your options, though.


Ok, I’ll start checking!! Can you tell I’m bored? I’m trying on every piece of baby clothes on my dolls! Lolol and seriously considering trying to learn to sew! Lol

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I don’t like that either, but I just buy them and play with them until the body doesn’t show. I love dolls that are sculpted with a bit of neck. They fit those much better.


I’m thinking the neck ring makes it harder…

If the baby’s just being displayed, you can tuck it in around the shoulders. I want it to cover the body when the baby is picked up.

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Me too!!!