Best eBook for reborning?

I wanted to know what your favorite instant download tutorials are? Dolls by Sandie had quite a few and I’m not sure which ones I should buy. Genesis paint specific… Not up to rooting yet.

Depends what skin tone you’re going for and what you’re looking to improve on


Ok, so it’s pretty much just preference?

I recommend the advanced tutorials, they give you more information and teach you more than the basic tutorials.


I just bought several of the ones from Dolls By Sandie when they were on sale over black friday, and I have to say that they were all VERY similar, and I really didn’t feel like it was worth it to get several of them. I wish I had just gotten one of them in hindsight. I did recently discover that Nikki Johnston has video tutorials for purchase off of her page, and I do highly recommend those. They are more expensive than the paper tutorials, but are very in depth. There is one for painting, and one for rooting hair.


I prefer video tutorials as well