A brand new baby!

Proudly introducing my great-nephew, Reid Patrick Potter, born Friday, December 27th at HOME…he’s soooo adorable…might have to work in a trip to Kansas City soon so I can hold him! I’d love to be able to root hair like his!!!

Sorry the pictures aren’t clearer; taken with Daddy’s phone.

Thanks, Barb! I should’ve put it in off topic but wanted to be sure everyone saw our new bundle of BOY!

Congratulation on a REAL NEW baby borne in to your family. Make the Tripp and enjoy cuddling him.

All the best.


Congratulations he is amazing!

What a sweetie! If it weren’t for Sophia, you could become “Karen in Kansas”

Thanks, everyone!

And Pia ~ I could TOTALLY do the KAREN IN KANSAS thing…better not mention it to my husband, though

Congratulations he is sooo cute. Please keep the pictures coming.

Jen, my son and I were JUST discussing all this family stuff…we don’t think Sophia and Reid are related.
Sophia is from my side, Reid from my husband’s side. No blood between them, so no relation??? It gets very confusing!!!


He is so beautiful!
and he was born at home? thats is so great! I wish i couldve had mine born at home, but i was too nervous. I am sure it must have been nice and peaceful birth,.
He is beautiful

xoxo ((HUGS))

Thank you! He’s one week old today and they had someone to the house to take pics – I can’t wait to see!!!

[size=14]Congratulations Auntie!!![/size] http://www.picgifs.com/smileys/

[size=14]He is beautiful and does have fantastic hair. Ask them to take pics of his head from all angles…and his little nose…and his little toes…[/size]http://www.picgifs.com/smileys/

I sure will, Cindy! Hoping the photographer got some great pics today that we can all use for reference!

Thank you, Mary – unfortunately, no KC trips are in my near future, so I’ll just have to be content to see him in pictures for now.

what a wonderful belated Christmas present! He looks soooo cudddly!

He sure does, DJ ~ I love how scrunchy and cuddly they are as newborns.

Fantastic reborning on this baby, Kathy, I agree!!!