50 Kits 50% OFF!

I just put 50 different kits at 50% off. I also just put a bunch of bodies on sale.

Nevin Pratt, CEO
Bountiful Baby


Will the sales kit switch up throughout the evening?

Lol I literally check the main page ten times a day to see who’s on sale :heart_eyes: if I have nothing to do I refresh the page. I think my husband is tired of hearing me chirp on about checking for a baby sale :angel:t2:

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Same with me. I need another kit like I need a whole in my head. I’ve noticed they haven’t changed since it was first posted.

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Ack! Reese was on sale for a few hours and no matter how much I begged my husband put his foot down. I have both Joseph and Darren asleep still in my cart but he’s not budging. We are camping in Maine right now and I’m sure if we were home he’d have been fine with whatever but we’ve already run out of money and are stranded here until payday lol. I was thinking it would have been awesome to have some babies waiting for love when I got home :heart_eyes:

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I finally managed to get Johannah! On sale!!! Yay me! But like you @Msmimi04 I need her like I need another hole in my head. :rofl:


What an awesome place to be stranded!

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I just looked about 20 minutes ago. I’m glad I didn’t see any I wanted.

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I have Johanna in my cart too! I’ve been waiting for her to come back. I’m dying lol I need to get a second job so I can buy more grandchildren to paint :heart_eyes:

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I need to clone myself so I can have time to paint all these darn kits!!! :rofl: